Marc Landi, a poet, a painter, an artist.
Marco Landi (Cecina (LI) 1916 - Rome, 1993) was a painter and poet Italian.
signed in 1948, with the poet and painter Guido Favati Voltolino Fontani, Sirius Angelo Pellegrini, Aldo Blacks, the Manifesto dell'Eaismo participating in group exhibitions in 1949 at the Casa Dante eaista of Florence, in 1953 the House of Culture in Livorno and in 1959 the gallery Pascucci Grosseto ..
The fifties were also years of intense literary activity, which culminated in winning the poetry prize "Città di Firenze" (1955) and the poetry prize "Citadel" (1956)
In the sixties he formed with the painter Voltolino Fountains and Sirius Angelo Pellegrini group painting of "The Last" and began to exhibit continuously at Bottega Art Livorno, DEVELOPING a painting with a strong spiritual impression. In 1970 he won the prize for poetry "Montebelluna" and in 1983 the "National Literary Award" in Pisa. In 1977 he moved from Rome to Livorno. That same year, in his honor, was held in Livorno on "national prize for poetry Marco Landi," which will last until 2001.
The last years of his life were very difficult: poor health and some mental problems fatally slowed his activities until his death.
Livorno remained in his heart, so carry a poem that stresses in tormenting his feelings:
LIVORNO MIA (To the friends that I do not see Moreover, those lost, removed, gone.)
Were you there to
Rocks Queen
and come from the bottom
between roses and tamarisk
and calls, calls
perhaps the God of our horizons.
We'll meet again, on the terrace
when the moon steals the ships, there
I left you, now I find that
ghosts that bring me memories of the algae
you've been watching the boats
who know the sea floor
and roads of the sky. Livorno
Do not forget me, I cheated once
as a black soldier who no longer belonged to this world
. Livorno
I was a black soldier who carries a cross
Marcello Landi