marks the first decade of the painter's death labronico Gino Guidi (12.07.1914-13.02.2000) artist Gino was born into a family of versatile artists.
painter's brother Guido Guidi, Guidi painter Bruno's cousin, the brother unforgettable lyric tenor Galliano Masini, a court of characters in the hills (the old district of Livorno) of the early twentieth century, marked by poverty and poetry or as would the great Eduardo Scarpetta "Poverty and Nobility."
Gino, the youngest of five brothers, was born July 12, 1914 in Livorno and died in his home town February 13, 2000, through an entire century as painted and pampered in his paintings.
Air home Masini, covered with fresh notes and famous people, favored early development of an emotional feeling that found vent in the immediate early youth in the study of piano and violin, but the already smoldering desire to paint the soul of Gino as he looked at the pictures of his older brother Guido.
The first academic works are taken from real life subjects, landscapes of the countryside surrounding his neighborhood origin or still lifes, but also portraits of family members, drawings and watercolors of various subjects, which is now in the collections of the children in their homes or in the world.
Not immediately, however, these works have found their market for many years have been stacked and stored in the studio of the painter: the first exhibitions date from the late '60s (1967 - Art Gallery "The Bottegone" Sesto S. Giovanni (MI)) and since then the first gallery owners and merchants began to frequent the studio of Gino to buy for little money for the truth, his paintings.
lot of work, a lot of satisfaction for the consents obtained from his paintings , Little money and begin a decade where several exhibitions in prestigious galleries Leghorn (1970 - Gallery "Stefanini" - 1974 - Art Gallery "hermits"), true temples of the Tuscan Macchiaioli yesterday, consecrate Gino of Olympus 'art Livorno.
As examples of the intense activity in recent years include: participation in various editions of the Prix Round (Livorno), various editions of the Naval Academy Exhibition (1st Prize Cup, a silver and gold); group exhibitions at the Gallery Art "The Bottegone" Sesto San Giovanni (MI), participation in the 6th Prize "Piazzetta" in Sesto San Giovanni ( MI); exhibition in Villa Casati (Merate) related to the theme "Merate and Brianza" collective participation in the "Spring 1970" Roma selection, cultural activities, organization "Artinformazione" call for participation to the 1st Prize by Brunelleschi, Florence 1970 ; European Biennial "Dubrovnik 1970" awarded the silver medal, and so on.
Gino, like the vast majority of macchiaioli of yesterday and today, did not have teachers, but simply an environmental imprinting, together with the right genes, converts moods and feelings in the colors on the canvas.
begin to increase demands on paintings by merchants from all over Italy and also begin to get requests from the United States, is Proposed in 1977 carried out a retrospective exhibition at the Gallery "Boutique of the framework" of Livorno, as if to dispel an instinctive reluctance to present his works in public, the artist is included in the catalog "Bolaffi" No. 13. They spoke of him
Pierre Caprile (art critic and editor of RAI-TV), Luciano Bonetti (art critic of The Telegraph "Livorno), Lori Domenici (art critic for" Paese Sera ") and many I review other rave reviews of shows that are listed below:
Continuity and consistency of language tradition in the work of painter and designer Gino Guidi. in his "Personal" landscapes, still lifes, flowers , All of the essential relationship of Tuscany.
These campaigns lead to open a major program, forests, country houses, the green and the mist, the murmur of water, a fusion of horizons, part of his "visual center", as documented by a precise palette and with great poetic grace ...
Piero Caprile
.. here's his business card. Landscapes, still lifes, flowers, compositions and artist's proofs, drawings and watercolors of many years ago, when the self-taught Gino Guidi was standing in a cellar, in silence, trying to stress that if one day be able to paint like the others, or perhaps better than many others ...
Nivalco Provencal
His paintings have been collected over time to increase public and private collections in Vicenza, Padua, Florence, Montecatini Terme, in the United States, South America, Turkey and so on. But Gino has kept until his death a humble profile artistic genius that, with exceptional sensitivity combined with a refined ability to deal with all, made him an unforgettable character.
The simplicity of the gesture of painting and love for his environment have always emerged as the transfiguration of his own feelings in relation to stage effects presented in the form of colors on canvas, where feelings and family ties are embedded in ancient natural settings to remember with clarity partial compensation words never spoken.
Gino Guidi was a macchiaiolo a macchiaiolo atypical macchiaiolo a new one.
What to add to this biography a memory, a greeting and a gift from those who loved him and appreciated him as an artist and man
his last picture, just started with its unmistakable lines of his drawings in charcoal, which was to represent a person beloved by him "the ship Amerigo Vespucci."
With this beautiful color palette.
Forza Gino, stop!