Thursday, October 23, 2008

Japanese Men And Black Women

City of Poets of the outstanding novel online RSCenciarelli

"It was a normal day, a nearly equal to all others that Alex had spent during the past year, and probably would have continued in this its ordinariness. But it was in this climate of indistinguishable similarity that Alex began to write his novel, the cause and effect of everything that would happen in the coming years, and the world around him. "

This above is an excerpt from the book online City unresolved, Roberto Cenci (which I always do), that will begin to be published in installments on blog:

The first post will be Monday, October 27, 2008, although the blog is already open, open, complete with a preface to the novel. You will find now the link at the bottom right of the blog, under Interesting SOMETHING ONLINE.

What do we mean?
's the story of six characters: a terrorist, a student, a singer, a famous writer, a politician of absolute importance, a university janitor, which crossed their lives, seemingly different, in a rainy day like so many there are in the world. Discover for himself that everyone's life is crucial to the fate of the other and each is a city unresolved. Why

a novel online?
because the possibility of making it available to all at no cost is an attractive bet for an emerging writer who wants to create a case, rather than pocketing the royalties (although it is not that some euro in your pocket to hurt anyone) . Later I will also give a paper on the novel, if there is a following online, in hopes that what he says Coelho is also valid for others, namely: - publishing books online so that people read them, but then he Why buy a stove to keep track of the pc-screen

How will it work? Every Monday released
a new chapter of the novel, while supplies last. Every Friday we will be heading Stan Laurel's suggestions that will describe the references of the novel, but also books, songs, movies and whatever else is necessary to understand the inspiration, so as to enable the reader to penetrate the atmosphere at him most.
The company is difficult, but at the moment is a bet that has to go. City

Why unresolved?
I'll use another excerpt of the novel:
"[...] each of us is a city unresolved and do not know, until he meets another and another and understands the need to seek other cities, towns unresolved in outstanding city in search of the city resolved that all collected and dissolved. "

I hope you will be many to follow my adventure, as you have been following this blog until now.
to you and the City outstanding as always a good On The Road Is The Only Road to all.

Good reading.

[The Rob's]


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